Improve Your Home’s Security In 10 Simple Ways

It’s important to guarantee the safety of both your loved ones and your property. With a completely secure home, you can feel total peace-of-mind. Here are ten great tips to protect your home!
The Watchful Eye
Often, something as simple as a mock-CCTV camera can be all it takes to deter any potential burglars from choosing your home as their next target. Despite this, having a fully-functioning security camera can provide many more benefits than fakes for only a little more. In the event that an intrusion does happen, a high-performance security camera can provide you with important details about the trespassers such as their clothing, facial features, or even their vehicles.
See Your Front Door From Wherever You Are
We consider owning a camera system to be the most essential part of a well-established home security system. With our camera systems, you can access your live and recorded video footage from any personal smart device or tablet. This way, you can see anything that goes on at your home, no matter where you may be. Our security systems can also be programmed to send you a text message whenever your cameras detect movement, allowing you to be the first to know if something might be wrong.
Come Into the Light
Brighter environments are proven to make people feel safer than darker ones because of better visibility. This explains why people feel safest in the daytime and why children are afraid of the dark. With a few tweaks to your lighting system, you can be and feel safer than ever. Program your garage and home exterior lights to activate on your arrival to get rid of all those shifty shadows.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
When you come home from work, the only thing on your mind is to relax and unwind. Having a home automation system can help you maximize your leisure by decreasing time spent fiddling with home functions like lighting and the A/C. You can even program your system to automatically lock your front door upon entry and let down the shades at a scheduled hour as the day winds down.
Intruders are much less likely to choose your home if it looks as though someone is inside. Our systems allow you to program settings to turn certain lights on and off throughout the house to make it seem as though someone is home, even if you may be on vacation! With the right settings, you won’t need to worry about potential burglaries when you’re away from home on a lengthy business trip or visiting the tropics. You can go even further by setting the blinds to raise and lower, and the audio to turn on and off.
Knock Knock, Who’s There?
When you hear a knock on the door, it’s hard to guess who may be on the other side. Luckily, a security system can give you a complete visual of your mystery guests. When the doorbell rings, an integrated screen can display the person at the door. If you want to get crafty, you can program your system to play a song, pause your TV, increase patio light brightness, or even rotate the entryway security camera activated by the sound of the doorbell.
Spring Gardening
Did you know that keeping a well-maintained yard helps keep burglars at bay? Overgrown greenery can provide a surplus of shadowy nooks and crannies for thieves to hide in when the sun goes down; you’ll want to make sure any low-hanging tree branches or overgrown bushes stay in check. You may even consider installing outdoor lighting to guarantee that you remove any dark corners where someone could hide.
Lock It Up
Intruders will look for the quietest way to break in, such as an unlocked door for easy entry. To eliminate this possibility, install smart locks around your home which can lock the doors after they’ve been closed for a specified amount of time.
Like a Good Neighbor
Sometimes, the most effective security system is a physical presence. Becoming friends with your neighbors can be a great way to ensure someone is keeping a trustworthy eye on your home while you’re away. If you expect to away from home for a while, let your neighbor know so they can contact the authorities if anything suspicious happens. Of course, you’ll be able to return the favor!
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One of the most effective ways of making yourself a target for burglars is by leaving out boxes from your new flat screen and speakers in your front yard. Avoid this danger by storing your boxes or cutting them up and taking them to the recycling plant. This way, you can ensure your possessions stay safe!